Farm Certifications: See the certifications page to learn more about the farm certifications Everyvine tracks.
Soil Horizon: Bedrock value set to "-" is not available. Available water capacity units are cm/cm.
Solar Radiation: Area Solar radiation has been calculated in watt hours per square meter (WH/m2)
Topography: Topography values are averaged over the block area. Aspect is expressed in positive degrees from 0 to 359.9, measured clockwise from north.
Growing Season: For use in various statistical averages, Everyvine defines the vineyard growing season as the period April 1st to October 31st.
The vineyard data presented here is most often sourced from the public data sources listed below. However, Everyvine also accepts data from vineyard owners who often have even better data they have collected themseleves.
If you have more accurate data on a vineyard go to: Data Submission page.
Topography: Topographic and solor radiation calculations are based on 1/3 arc-second (approx. 10m) elevation models. Data provided by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), EROS Data Center, National Elevation Dataset,, 1999
Climate Indices: Calculations based on methodologies described by Gregory Jones and John Gladstones. See the following:
- Jones, G.V, Duff, A.A., Hall, A., and J. Myers (2009). Spatial analysis of climate in winegrape growing regions in the western United States. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, in Press Spring 2010.
- Gladstones, J. (1992) Viticulture and environment (Winetitles: Adelaide).
Month Climate Averages: Monthly and annual temperature and rainfall values based on 30-arcsec (800m) normals for the climatological period 1971-2000. Data provided by PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University,, October 31,2008
Soil: Soil data is collected from the following sources:
- SSURGO: Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database. Available online at
- STATSGO2: Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. General Soil Map (STATSGO2). Available online at
- Web Soil Survey: Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at